Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Painted meditation

"Journey through the unknown" (in progress)
Watercolor, chalk, ink, graphite, and collage
M. Rattigan c. 2014

Last night I had an awakening of my own painting process and its mindful qualities.  A lot of what I am already doing with clients in my art therapy practice is initially image-less and abstract, utilizing kinesthetic and sensory aspects of various paint and pastel mediums to guide them into reconnecting with a lost part of Self, becoming more aware, and to do so without judgment and with acceptance.

Last night I played and re-played the painting processes in my mind, and my more recent experiences and creations.  The words kept coming to me: Breath and Brush.  This morning, I was propelled into a creative process of envisioning and writing up a workshop: "Painted Meditation: A mindful balance of breath work and brush stroke".  I am so excited about it and hope it comes into fruition so I can share it with you at some point.

Thanks for listening.