Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Meditation Monday 12.1.14: Three Male Archetypes

From left to right, the sketch presents the town drunk (fool), the wise man (dwarf/gnome-like), and the woodsman.  The wise man appeared first.  He was very small.  He formed out of no where and startled me while I was in a relaxed state.  His beard was very white an he had very blue eyes.  The second figure appeared to my left in the corner of my eye...  I was disgusted when I saw him.  He was very overweight and appeared to have greasy skin and straggly black hair.  He was unkempt and appeared older than his age which I guessed to be in the early 20's.  The last one to appear came into the corner of my right eye.  He, too, was young... in the 18-25 age bracket.  He was all smiles yet seemed to be a fake, superficial, narcissistic-type.  He had short, light brown hair and a scruffy beard.

This was a bizarre meditative experience for me.  Prior to the appearance of these images, I struggled to feel grounded and relaxed.  I have no idea what these symbols mean or why they may have appeared.  In later discussion with my friend and colleague Elizabeth, we talked about these as male archetypes but I have not done any further investigation.

Any feedback or further knowledge of these archetypes is welcome.

Thanks for listening.

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